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More Action for Low Action

By October 30, 2020Accessories, General

Many anglers spend a lot of time making rigs, setting up their gear, and sorting their bait boxes.

The Freestyle range offers every angler a multitude of possibilities. Be it bags, tools or terminal tackle, you can customize your kit to your needs.

Bait Tuning

I customize my bag and arrange my boxes to suit me, but I fish lures that everyone fishes. The new Jig Slips are a great tool to create your lure in a similar way to the Chatterblades, which create pressure waves in the water even when using low action of lures.

Jig Skirts with a Difference

The possibilities you have with the Jig Slips are huge. Whether on an offset hook or on a jig – there is a lot of opportunities to design your lure how you want.

For me, the question arose as to why a soft lure only moves at its tail, and whether it makes sense to give the soft lure a few pectoral fins.

Custom Softbait

The idea has stuck with me all day. After college, I went to the nearest fishing shop to get a couple of Jig Slips and a baiting needle to test the idea out.

Setting up my idea was simple.

The lure is pierced sideways with the needle, and the rubber strands are hooked into the needle itself. These are then pulled through the bait and shortened to the desired length. This creates a great silhouette and a little more action, no matter what we are fishing.

Just try it! Or have you already had a similar idea yourself?

Denis Erbil