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Blog Posts

Don’t miss out on the fun! Bookmark our blog page and visit us regularly for the latest street fishing tips, gear reviews and fun stories here.

AccessoriesGeneralLuresFS Eyed Bottom Jigs
October 11, 2024

FS Eyed Bottom Jigs

Modern predator fishing is constantly evolving and rigs such as the Cheburashka offer anglers the opportunity to present their lures more flexibly and effectively. One outstanding example is the Eyed…
800x800_ScoutaLuresFS Scouta – Jig Spinner
March 7, 2023

FS Scouta – Jig Spinner

A classic among fishing lures is the spinner. When other lures struggle to bring a predator to the hook, there is the saying "spinners always works" and this is not…
800x800_Offset_HookReload RigsUsing Offset Hooks
January 6, 2023

Using Offset Hooks

Using Offset Hooks In weedy and snaggy waters, it is difficult to fish lures without snagging, but often the predators stand in such environments, which means either you can use…
800x800_LeadersReload RigsTypes of Leader
November 4, 2022

Types of Leader

Types of Leader Nowadays, many mainlines are colored so that we anglers can see them better. However, this also allows the fish to see that something unusual is there, right…
ReelsThe Baitcaster
September 23, 2022

The Baitcaster

The Baitcaster The typical spinning rod is equipped with a stationary reel. The reel "hangs" under the rod. To cast, all you have to do is hold the line with…
800x800_The_Adjustable_DS_RigReload RigsThe Adjustable DS System
April 27, 2022

The Adjustable DS System

The Adjustable Dropshot System The Spro Freestyle Adjustable Dropshot System allows you to tie a knotless dropshot rig. The distance between the weight and the lure is infinitely adjustable. Step…
800x800_The_T-RIG_TWITCHAccessoriesT-Rig, C-Rig & Twitch Rig
March 22, 2022

T-Rig, C-Rig & Twitch Rig

Texas Rig, Carolina Rig und Twitch Weights   The Texas Rig and the Carolina Rig have become standard methods for many predator anglers. In contrast to fishing with jig heads…
800x800_The_Chatter_BladesAccessoriesThe Chatter Blades
March 4, 2022

The Chatter Blades

The Chatter Blades   For me, the chatterbait is now a must have for the tackle box. The blade creates a very strong pressure wave under water and therefore rarely…
GeneralStreet fishing at the trout lake ?!
June 4, 2021

Street fishing at the trout lake ?!

The beginning of the year is often the toughest phase of the year for us lure anglers. Our beloved predators can enjoy their deserved rest and an alternative is often…
800x800_Innovative_NetsNetsOur 5 Best Landing Net Features!
May 25, 2021

Our 5 Best Landing Net Features!

Some of our best landing net innovations in focus. Our landing net series offers any array of functions that are designed to make landing a fish easier in the most…
AccessoriesTocka, clip on and go!
April 29, 2021

Tocka, clip on and go!

Tocka, clip on and go! Tocka is one of the newest additions to the Freestyle terminal tackle range. It takes a new twist on the “Tokyo rig”, creating a simple…
Accessories5 Innovative Terminal Tackle Components
April 22, 2021

5 Innovative Terminal Tackle Components

5 Innovative Terminal Tackle Components At Freestyle our design team works tirelessly to offer urban anglers terminal tackle that brings out the best in their lures in the most challenging…
Featured Image - Street Fishing in the Heart of AmsterdamGeneralStreet Fishing in the Heart of Amsterdam
December 7, 2020

Street Fishing in the Heart of Amsterdam

In this blog, I would like to share my passion for fishing in the big city. Hopefully, this creates a bit of inspiration for you. First, I should note that…
5 Things Street Fishing - Featured ImageGeneral5 things that make Street Fishing Great.
November 23, 2020

5 things that make Street Fishing Great.

What makes street fishing so unique and addictive? It has a lot to do with convenience. If you haven't read our 'What is Street Fishing' blog, you can read it…
GeneralStreet Fishing
November 17, 2020

Street Fishing

What is Street Fishing? Roaming the city streets with your rod, reel and angling gear is guaranteed to attract a certain amount of attention. You can feel the eyes of…
Featured Image - The Best Fishing GlovesGeneralGloves Made for Fishing
November 9, 2020

Gloves Made for Fishing

It's that time of year again. It's cold, it's raining, but hey, you're a fisherman. No excuses. As anglers, we can all relate to trying to tie a knot in…
Featured Image - More Action for Low ActionAccessoriesGeneralMore Action for Low Action
October 30, 2020

More Action for Low Action

Many anglers spend a lot of time making rigs, setting up their gear, and sorting their bait boxes. The Freestyle range offers every angler a multitude of possibilities. Be it…
Featured Image - Reel For UrbanityReelsThe Reel for Urbanity
October 9, 2020

The Reel for Urbanity

When we planned the design of the SKILLZ V2 we set up a detailed specification that if met, would create an outstanding reel for light lure fishing. Size & Weight…
Featured Image - Gear Guide SummaryGeneral2021 Gear Guide Summary
October 2, 2020

2021 Gear Guide Summary

It's been 4 years since we released the first Freestyle products with the intent to create a range of products which specialise in active light lure fishing in and around…
Urban Prey Curl - Featured ImageLuresThe Urban Prey Curl
June 10, 2020

The Urban Prey Curl

The Urban Prey Curl's advantages used on various rigs / methods I would like to introduce an all-rounder while noting all the advantages specific rigs possess while fishing the Uban…
Urban Prey Hook Sizes - 01AccessoriesUrban Prey Best Hook Sizes
May 22, 2020

Urban Prey Best Hook Sizes

Urban Prey Best Hook Sizes As we mentioned in the previous blog post, all Urban Prey Lures are designed around the same slim body. When choosing a hook for your…
The Versatile Urban Prey Lures - Featured ImageGeneralThe Versatile Urban Prey Lures
May 15, 2020

The Versatile Urban Prey Lures

The Versatile Urban Prey Lures. When designing our first Urban Prey lure, the Slug, back in 2017 we aimed to create a lure that could be comfortably fished on many…
Light, with the Wave of an Arm - Featured ImageAccessoriesLight, with the Wave of an Arm.
May 7, 2020

Light, with the Wave of an Arm.

Light, with the Wave of an Arm. A reliable headlamp is an essential piece of kit for anglers that fish in the evening. Even if you don't plan to, we…
Featured Image - Lite Mat - 01GeneralThe Lite Mat, Forget it.
April 30, 2020

The Lite Mat, Forget it.

The Lite Mat, Forget it. The unhooking mat has been a trusted and essential piece of carp equipment for years. Large foam mats weighing over a kilo were designed solely…
Solidz - 5 Reasons Why 05 - Featured ImageRods5 reasons why the Solidz rod series is unique
April 23, 2020

5 reasons why the Solidz rod series is unique

5 reasons why the Solidz rod series is unique We set strict guidelines and specifications when we began the design and engineering of the most durable light lure rods. It…
Featured Image - Mobility In FocusRodsMobility in Focus
April 16, 2020

Mobility in Focus

Mobility in Focus Some things need a detailed description to understand the real meaning behind them. When I first heard about the idea behind the Freestyle Xtender rod, a shake…
The Small One In Focus - Featured ImageLuresFocus on the Little One
April 9, 2020

Focus on the Little One

Focus on the Little One When I received the prototypes of the Freestyle Hog, I was blown away. The new colours of the Urban Prey Slug were also interesting, but…
Street Fishing Basics - Featured ImageGeneralStreet Fishing Basics
April 3, 2020

Street Fishing Basics

Equipment and materials needed   1. RODS There are many types and sizes of rods, depending on the chosen technique, type of fish, fishing environment and the situation. Planning for…
Freestyle In The Tropics - Featured ImageGeneralFreestyle in the tropics
March 9, 2020

Freestyle in the tropics

Freestyle in the tropics Now and then as an angler, you need a little trip away from home. Even on family vacations, the rod has to come along in the…
Petri Turk - Feautred ImageNetsThe Dropnet Xtra
March 2, 2020

The Dropnet Xtra

The Dropnet Xtra - The net that changed everything I still remember the exact moment I got into street fishing. My first session amongst the fleet in downtown Hamburg felt…
Which Landing Net - Featured ImageNetsWhich landing net is right for you?
February 14, 2020

Which landing net is right for you?

Which Landing Net?   At Freestyle, we invest a large amount of our development time into landing nets. We believe we have the most comprehensive range of nets on the…
An Essential ToolToolsAn Essential Tool
February 6, 2020

An Essential Tool

An Essential Tool   You hook into a massive fish, the adrenaline is pumping and everything seems to run in slow motion. You immediately think about how best to quickly…
Drop Shotting in WinterGeneralDropshot Angling in Winter
January 21, 2020

Dropshot Angling in Winter

Winter Dropshotting - Overview   Fishing during the winter period can be difficult yet effective when using the correct approach. Utilizing the Drop shot technique can prove very productive during the…
Top 6 Features - Backpack 22General6 Best Features of the Backpack 22
December 20, 2019

6 Best Features of the Backpack 22

1. Clear PVC pockets We have removed the polyester mesh and replaced it with durable clear windows which creates many positives. You can now see clearly which items you have…
Storm Shields - FreestyleGeneralThe Freestyle Storm Shield
September 25, 2018

The Freestyle Storm Shield

Testing the Freestyle Storm Shield The high north Atlantic, screeching gulls, big cod and heavy equipment. An environment I didn’t have that in mind when I first tried on the…