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5 things that make Street Fishing Great.

By November 23, 2020January 22nd, 2021General

What makes street fishing so unique and addictive? It has a lot to do with convenience. If you haven’t read our ‘What is Street Fishing’ blog, you can read it here.

1. Close to home

Being able to pop out for an hour or two is a big attraction. It gets you out in the fresh air and its a great way to explore the waterways close to home or from a hotel by foot.

2. Lightly Packed

To get out and catch fish in the city requires very little equipment. Most urban waterways are slow-moving canals or harbour areas which are quite similar. This means that the equipment you need is more down to technique rather than the water conditions. Travelling light also lets you travel large distances on foot. We recommend deciding on one or two tactics beforehand and sticking to them. Sticking to this prevents you from carrying unnecessary tackle. At Freestyle, we have concentrated on creating products that provide solutions for carrying your equipment most comfortably while actively fishing on foot. Our clothing shop can be found here.

3. Urban Landscape

The banks are sometimes high and the bridges low. Urban areas are manmade for living and working and were never planned for fishing in. I guess that is one of the main attractions to the discipline, it feels kind of dangerous with an element of mischief!

4. Unique Products

New and challenging environments require us to solve new problems. It has become a refreshing topic for our design team to overcome these challenges and it has resulted in some incredibly unique products to help you as an angler overcome hard ground, high banks and tight spots. You can check out our products here.

5. Modern Comforts

Having restaurants, kiosks and toilets a short walk away is an underestimated bonus for urban anglers. Nothing is better than a morning session with your pals and then a lunch break together to refresh before hitting the banks for a second round!

We hope we have inspired you to look more into the urban fishing scene and explore the waters of big towns and cities. If you are looking for the tackle to make your sessions more comfortable and successful check out our gear guide:

If you have questions about how to tackle urban environments why not ask our large community of like-minded anglers on our social chat group:

Thanks for reading and all the best,

Your Freestyle team.